I am using the following definition of amenable group: The at most countable group G is amenable iff there exists a sequence $\{F_n\}$ of finite subsets such that for every $g\in G$ we have $$\displaystyle\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\displaystyle\frac{|(gF_n)\triangle F_n|}{|F_n|}=0$$ and $G=\bigcup_n F_n$.
Now, I want to prove that a countable abelian group is amenable using just this definition. If $G=\{g_1, g_2,...\}$ in the following link an user says that the family $$F_n=\{a_1g_1+a_2g_2+\cdots+a_ng_n: |a_i|\leq n-i+1\} $$ works.
And I think that the following family it is useful as well $$F_n'=\{a_1g_1+a_2g_2+\cdots+a_ng_n: 0 \leq a_i \leq n\} $$
But I don't know how to prove this.
I could find these bounds $$|F_n|\leq (2n+1)(2n-1)\cdots 3 = (2n+1)!!$$ $$|F_n\cap gF_n|\leq (2n-1)(2n-1)!! $$ and $$|F_n'|\leq (n+1)^n$$ $$|F_n'\cap gF_n'|\leq n(n+1)^{n-1} $$
But I am not sure what step is next. Any help?
I was the OP who originally gave the sequence $S_n=\{a_1g_1+\cdots+a_ng_n\,|\, \lvert a_i\rvert\leq n-i\}$ in question, and claimed that it forms a Følner sequence whenever $g_1,g_2,\ldots$ generate the abelian group $G$. I'm grateful to David Ullrich for pointing out that this claim is not obvious, since the quotient of a Følner sequence need not be a Følner sequence (Yves Cornulier gives an example in this answer).
Neverthless, here is an argument to see that $S_n$ is a Følner sequence. It is quite pleasant to think about precisely where commutativity comes into play.
Fix $g\in G$ and any finite subset $S\subset G$. We first analyze the size of the symmetric difference $gS\bigtriangleup S$. Consider the equivalence relation on $S$ generated by the relation $x\sim y$ if $y=x+g$ (which is itself neither symmetric, reflexive, or transitive). We will call an equivalence class under this relation a "$g$-string". Every $g$-string consists of elements $x_1,\ldots,x_k\in S$ with $x_{j+1}=x_j+g$.
The first key observation is that $\lvert gS\bigtriangleup S\rvert$ is at most twice the number of $g$-strings. Indeed, if $z\in S$ belongs to $gS\bigtriangleup S$, then $z$ must be the "leftmost endpoint" of a $g$-string; if $z\notin S$ belongs to $gS\bigtriangleup S$, then $z-g$ must be the "rightmost endpoint" of a $g$-string; and each $g$-string has at most 2 such endpoints (it could have 1 if the endpoints coincide, or 0 if $g$ has finite order).
Our goal is to prove for all $g\in G$ that $\frac{\lvert gS_n \bigtriangleup S_n\rvert}{\lvert S_n\rvert}\to 0$ as $n\to \infty$. Since $\lvert abS\bigtriangleup S\rvert\leq\lvert abS\bigtriangleup bS\rvert+\lvert bS\bigtriangleup S\rvert= \lvert aS\bigtriangleup S\rvert+\lvert bS\bigtriangleup S\rvert$, it suffices to prove this for all $g_i$ in a generating set.
By the observation above, to prove that $\frac{\lvert g_iS_n \bigtriangleup S_n\rvert}{\lvert S_n\rvert}\to 0$, it suffices to prove that $\frac{\text{# of $g_i$-strings in $S_n$}}{\lvert S_n\rvert}\to 0$. Equivalently, we must prove that the reciprocal $\frac{\lvert S_n\rvert}{\#\text{ of $g_i$-strings in $S_n$}}$ diverges, or in other words that the average size of a $g_i$-string in $S_n$ diverges. We now use the specific form of our sets $S_n=\{a_1g_1+\cdots+a_ng_n\,|\, \lvert a_i\rvert\leq n-i\}$. For any $i$ and any $n$, set $k=n-i$ (so that $\lvert a_i\rvert\leq k$ in $S_n$). The second key observation is that every $g_i$-string in $S_n$ has cardinality at least $2k+1$ unless $g_i$ has finite order. Indeed given $x\in S_n$, write it as $x=a_1g_1+\cdots+a_ig_i+\cdots+a_ng_n$; then the elements $a_1g_1+\cdots+bg_i+\cdots+a_ng_n\in S_n$ for $b=-k,\ldots,-1,0,1,\ldots,k$ belong to a single $g_i$-string containing $x$. If $g_i$ does not have finite order, these $2k+1$ elements must be distinct. This shows that the minimum size of a $g_i$-string in $S_n$ is $2n-2i+1$, so for fixed $g_i$ the average size diverges as $n\to \infty$.
When $g_i$ has finite order $N$ the average size cannot diverge, since a $g_i$-string has maximum size $N$. However once $N<2k+1$, the subset containing the $2k+1$ elements above is closed under multiplication by $g_i$. In other words, once $n\geq i+N/2$ the set $S_n$ is $g_i$-invariant, so $\lvert g_iS_n\bigtriangleup S_n\rvert=0$.