I am trying to prove the following statements: Let $X$ and $Y$ be normed spaces (not necessarily complete) Let $T\in L(X,Y)$ (meaning $T:X\to Y$ is a bounded linear map). Let $T^*:Y^*\to X^*$ denote the adjoint operator. Then:
- $T^*$ is sujective if and only if $T$ is an isomorphism;
- $T$ is surjective if and only of $T^*$ is an isomorphism.
Here an "isomorphism" $X\to Y$ is an injective linear operator $T:X\to Y$ such that there exists $c_1,c_2>0$ with $$c_1\|x\|\leq \|Tx\|\leq c_2\|x\| \text{ for all } x\in X.$$ In particular we do not require $T$ to be surjective.
I have proved statement 1. and I have also proved that if $T^*$ is an isomorphism then $T$ is surjective, and that if $T$ is surjective then $T^*$ is injective. An ideal next step would be to show that $Image(T^*)$ is closed in $X^*$, at which point I could apply the open mapping theorem to conclude that $T^*$ is an isomorphism (since I already know $T^*$ is a bounded operator). However, I am struggling to show that the image of $T^*$ is closed. Any ideas would be appreciated.
The claim that $T$ is surjective implies range of $T^*$ being closed is not true.
Take $X=c_{00}=Y$ the space of sequences with finite length. The dual space can be identified with $l^1$. Define $$ Tx = (x_1, x_2/2, \dots, x_n/n,\dots). $$ Clearly, $T:X\to Y$ is injective and surjective, however $T^{-1}$ is not bounded.
Let $g\in l^1$ be given. Then for $x\in c_{00}$, $$ (T^*g)(x)=g(Tx) = \sum_k g_k x_k/k = \sum_k g_k x_k/k = h(x), $$ where $T^*g=h = (g_1,g_2/2,\dots)$. Now take $e_k=(0,\dots,0,1,0,\dots)$ with the non-zero entry at position $k$. Then $$ \|T^*e_k\|_{l^1} = \frac1k, \ \|e_k\|_{l^1}=1, $$ which shows that the claim is not true in the general situation. (The example is also valid for $Y=c_0$, which is a Banach space)
If in addition $X$ and $Y$ are complete, then the claim follows with the closed range theorem.