About the proof of De Giorgi Theorem

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here we discuss homogeneous equations with no lower-order terms.

$Lu \equiv -D_{j}(a_{ij}(x)D_{j}u)$in $B_{1}(0)\subset \mathbb{R}^n$

where $a_{ij} \in L^{\infty}(B_{1})$ satisfies

$\lambda |\xi|^{2} \leq a_{ij}(x)\xi_{i} \xi_{j}\leq \Lambda |\xi|^{2}$ for all $x \in B_{1}(0)$ e $\xi \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$

for some positive constants $\lambda$ and $\Lambda$.

Remark : $B_{1}$ is a unit ball centered in $0$.

Done this. I would like to help in the following theorem

Theorem - Suppose $Lu = 0$ weakly in $B_{1}$. Then there holds

$\sup\limits_{B_{1/2}}|u(x)| + \sup\limits_{x,y \in B_{1/2}} \frac{ |u(x)-u(y)|}{|x-y|^{\alpha}} \leq c(n,\frac{\Lambda}{\lambda})||u||_{L^{2}(B_{1})} $

with $\alpha=\alpha(n,\frac{\Lambda}{\lambda}) \in (0,1)$

My work: In particular, $u$ is a weakly subsolution then by local boundedness theorem (Elliptic partial differential equation- QING HAN / FANGHUA LIN -chapter 4 -pg 67) is valid

$\sup\limits_{B_{1/2}}|u(x)|\leq c(n,\frac{\Lambda}{\lambda})||u||_{L^{2}(B_{1})}$

Now, I believe that, I should to use the oscillation theorem (about oscillation theorem pg.80) but i don't know
