How do we know that the number $1$ is not equal to the number $-1$? (I am not talking about the multiplicative inverse of an arbitrary field, but the integer/rational, real or complex number $1$.)
Is that an axiom?
Since someone in the comments asked for more background/motivation: I'm just a naive bachelor student and I wanted to prove that for any number $x$, $x=-x$ implies $x=0$ (which is true if and only if $1\neq -1$, see my last question).
Why is this question different to the question in my last post?
In my last post, I wanted to know if you can prove that $x=-x$ implies $x=0$ for an element $x$ of an arbitary field. It turned out that you can not (there are fields where this is not the case). In addition, it turned out that this is true if and only if $1\neq -1$. ($1$ stands for the multiplicative identity, not the number one.)
Since we normally assume that $x=-x$ implies $x=0$ if $x$ for some number $x$ (at least in my lectures), I wanted to know wheter you can prove that $1\neq -1$ or not. (To be honest, I didn't think that you have to distinguish e.g. between the integer $1$ and the natural number $1$...)
To put it into a nutshell: My first question was wheter you can prove $1\neq-1$ where $1$ stands for the multiplicative identity of an arbitrary field (the answer is no.) But we know that the answer is yes if $1$ stands for the integer/real number/complex number one, which led to this post.
It directly follows from the Peano axioms. The Peano axioms say that $0$ is not a successor to any natural number, and $n+1$ is defined to be the successor of $n$. If $-1$ were equal to $1$, then by definition $1+1=1+(-1)=0$, so $0$ would be the successor of $1$, which it is not by the Peano axioms.
Edit: Maybe a more succinct formulation: The semiring $\mathbb N$ does not contain an additive inverse $-1$ of $1$, since $0$ would be a successor to such an element due to $(-1)+1=0$. The Peano axioms don't allow for that. Since $\mathbb N$ does not contain an additive inverse of $1$, $1$ in particular is not an additive inverse of itself. The same is then true for the image* of any injective (semiring-)homomorphism $\mathbb N\to\mathbb Z$. In particular, the image of such a homomorphism does not contain $-1$.
*That's what we usually mean when we talk about $\mathbb N$ as a subset of $\mathbb Z$.