Collocation points and trapezoidal rule

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I want to construct the classical trapezoidal rule by using a collocation method. I am in the time interval $[t_n, t_n + \tau]$.

I know that I have the following conditions for the polynomial $p$

$$ p(t_n) = y_n \\ p'(t_n) = F(t_n,p(t_n)) \\ p'(t_n + \tau)= F(t_n + \tau, p (t_n+ \tau) ) $$

Then, $Y_{n+1}$ will be given by $p(t_n + \tau)$

In the handouts I have

$$ p(t_n +x )= Y_n - \frac{1}{\tau} x (x - \tau) f(t_n,p(t_n)) - \frac{1}{2\tau} x^2 [f(t_n,p(t_n)) + f(t_n+ \tau,p(t_n + \tau))]$$ and the plugging $x=\tau$ I obtain the classical trapezoidal rule.

Question: how is this polynomial built? It seems "almost"a Taylor expansion where the second derivative is estimated by taking a forward finite difference, but I'm sure this is not the case since there's a term more in the first derivative.

It can't also be standard Lagrange interpolation since here I have also derivative values.

My feeling is that since I have three independent conditions, a standard polynomial of degree $2$, $$p(X)= aX^2 + bX +c$$ has been built and the unknowns $a,b,c$ are determined by solving the linear system derived from the three conditions in the first lines.


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Yes, that's it, essentially. Take the quadratic polynomial and start to solve the equations for the coefficients. Trivially $$ p(t_n+x)=p_n+F_nx+cx^2\tag1 $$ from the first two conditions relating to the values on the left end of the interval. Then one has to solve the remaining third, usually non-linear, equation \begin{align} \underset{\parallel}{p'(t_n+τ)}&=\underset{\parallel}{F_{n+1}=F(t_n+τ,p(t_n+τ))}\tag{2a} \\ F_n+2cτ&=F(t_n+τ, p_n+F_nτ+cτ^2)\tag{2b} \end{align} for $c$. Once this is solved, it can be used to write $c=\frac{F_{n+1}-F_n}{2τ}$, and with this $$ p(t_n+x)=p_n+F_nx+\frac{F_{n+1}-F_n}{2τ}x^2=p_n+F_n\frac xτ(τ-x)+\frac{F_{n+1}+F_n}{2τ}x^2.\tag3 $$