Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a map between topological spaces such that $f$ is closed and $f^{-1}(y)$ is compact in $X$ for every $y\in Y$.
Now I have to show that the map $f\times\text{id}:X\times T \rightarrow Y\times T$ is closed for every topological space $T$.
I don't really know how to start here. Therefore any hint or advice is appreciated!
You can find this very statement in page 90 of the book Topology and Groupoids by R. Brown.
The proof basically show that the complement of each $(f\times{id})(C)$ for $C$ closed in $X\times T$ is open in $Y\times T$ and relies on the following "tube lemma" (also shown in the book).
Lemma. Let $X,Y$ topological spaces and let $A\subset X,B\subset Y$ be two compact subsets. Let furthermore $W$ be an open subset of $X\times Y$ containing $A\times B$. Then there are open sets $U\supset A, V\supset B$ such that $A\times B\subset U\times V\subset W$.