Let iterative method which is determined by the formula $x_{n+1}=\frac{\sin (x_n)+3}{10}$ for $x_0=0.33$. For which $k$ we have: $|x_k-\alpha|\le10^{-16}|\alpha|$ where $\alpha$ is a solution of the equation $10x-\sin x=3$?
The iterative function is $F(x)=\frac{\sin (x)+3}{10}$. Let $e_k=|x_k-\alpha|$. $$e_{k+1}=|x_{k+1}-\alpha|=|F(x_k)-F(\alpha)|=|F'(\theta)|\cdot|x_k-\alpha| \text{ for } \theta \text{ between }x_k,\alpha $$ So: $|x_k-\alpha|=\frac{|x_{k+1}-\alpha|}{|F'(\theta)|}$ and we want to $\frac{|x_{k+1}-\alpha|}{|F'(\theta) \alpha|}\le10^{-16}.$
However I don't know how I can calculate $k$ because $\frac{\sin (x_k)+3-10\alpha}{\cos (\theta) \alpha}\le 10^{-16}$ is difficult to estimate...
We can estimate $|F(x) - F(y)| \le |x - y|/10$, so certainly $|x_k - \alpha| \le 10^{-k} |x_0 - \alpha|$. That will give us a rough (but not very big) bound, and if we want a more exact number we can compute a few iterations.