I tried to find how to solve $3\times 3\times 3$ matrix to find Nash equilibrium but I could not find anything on the web. Maybe I am searching with wrong keywords... I understand how to solve Nash equilibirum with $2\times2$ and $3\times3$ matrices, but not when I get in front of $3\times 3\times 3$ matrices. The current Nash equilibrium that I have to find is this: I have been given the answers, but I don't know how to solve it.
Thanks in advance!
In solving $2$-player games (be it $2\times2$ or $3\times3$ or $n\times n$), we fix each of player 1's pure strategy, and check player 2's best response (BR) to that strategy, and then do the same by reversing the player roles (fix each of player 2's pure strategy, and check player 1's BR to it).
With $3$-player games, the idea is similar: In checking a player's BRs, we fix the other two players' strategies.
Suppose player 1 chooses rows (A, B, C), player 2 chooses columns (D, E, F), and player 3 chooses matrices (G, H, I).
This procedure shows that (B,D,G) and (B,F,G) are two pure NEs of this game.