The problem is as follows:
Roger sees in his almanac that a certain month from a year the first day was monday and the last day was also monday. What day of the week, was the last day of that same year?
The alternatives given are:
$\begin{array}{ll} 1.&\textrm{sunday}\\ 2.&\textrm{monday}\\ 3.&\textrm{tuesday}\\ 4.&\textrm{wednesday}\\ \end{array}$
I'm lost at this question. The reason for it is that I don't know how many times in a year can the given condition be satisfied?.
Or would it happen just once a in a year?. How about leap years?. Will it be affected?. Can someone help me with this question?.
Since I'm a slow learner, an answer which could vastly help me the most is one which does include some graphic or visual aid to see how the days are "running" in the calendar or being arranged to fit as in this problem is indicating?. Can someone help me with that matter please?. I know that a straightforward answer could help but I require additional help to understand this please hence the necessity of a visual aid.
Let's assume that the first day of the month is a Monday. Then the next few Mondays of this month would be as follows: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th. For the last day to also be a Monday, we require a month that has $29$ days in it. Obviously this is a February during a leap year.
Of the $14$ possible calendar configurations, only one has a February starting on Monday and is a leap year. Can you use this to figure out the rest?