For order $2$, I have found 5. There are 16 maps from $\{a, b\} \times \{a, b\} \to\{a, b\}$. They form $10$ equivalence classes of non-isomorphic binary operations, $5$ of which are associative. Of these $2$ are monoids and $1$ is a group.They are
- The group $ \mathrm Z/2 $
- $\{ 0, 1\}$ with standard multiplication.
- $\{a, b\}$ with $x \circ y = a$ for all $x$ and $y$ $=a$ or $b$
- $\{a, b\}$ with $x \circ y = x$ for all $x$ and $y$ $=a$ or $b$
- $\{a, b\}$ with $x \circ y = y$ for all $x$ and $y$ $=a$ or $b$
Is $5$ the correct number of semigroups for $n=2$ ?
How many semigroups are there for $n=3$ ? No proof is needed, but a reference would be appreciated.
The reference is
There are $5$ nonisomorphic semigroups of order $2,$ and $24$ of order $3.$