How to mathematically model noise?

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In my project I have to perform analysis of noise effect in certain signal. I am just wondering how is noise formally described? Up to now I always simulate a noisy signal using MATLAB in an additive way. For example suppose the clean signal is a sine signal then I would just add random numbers distributed equally between a pair of values to this signal. I am not sure if this is the correct way as I can freely choose any values for the upper and lower bounds for the noise as I want. Also, I would also appreciate if someone can suggest me books which covers noise analysis, like noise in Fourier transform and differentiating noisy functions.


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You could also use gaussian noise, the you only have specify the variance. So you could set this proportional to the "amount of disturbance" you want. (choose the mean zero). To obtain $N$ independent noise samples you could use the command normrnd in Matlab.