The homogeneous Sobolev space $\dot H^s(\mathbb{R}^d)$ can be defined as the completion of $\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}^d)$ (the space of Schwartz functions) under the norm $$ \|f\|_{\dot H^s(\mathbb{R}^d)} = \||\xi|^s\hat{f}\|_{\mathbb{R}^d}. $$ The corresponding homogeneous space can be defined as the closure of Schwartz functions under the norm $$ \|f\|_{H^s(\mathbb{R}^d)} = \|\langle\xi\rangle^s\hat{f}\|_{\mathbb{R}^d}. $$ The inhomogeneous space corresponds with its classical counterpart in the case $s = k \in \mathbb{Z}$, so that roughly it is the space of functions $f$ so that $f$ and its derivatives up to and including order $k$ are in $L^2$.
My question: Intuitively, is the inhomogeneous space detecting only top-order blowup/bad behavior/lack of sufficient decay? If so, how bad is lower-order bad behavior allowed to be? For instance, why is the constant 1 function not in the homogeneous space with $s = 1$, since its derivative is (very) integrable? I've seen it stated that membership in $\dot H^s$ is equivalent to having $f \in L^2$ and $\partial^\alpha f \in L^2$ for all $|\alpha| = s$ when $s$ is an integer. Is this true? (This would imply $\dot H^1 = H^1$?) And if so, is there a good reference for things like this?
Any general intuition for what the homogeneous spaces are capturing is much appreciated, as well. Thanks in advance.
Some more (not required) background/motivation for my question: My confusion stems from the homogeneous Sobolev embedding: for $1 < p < q < \infty$, if $s > 0$ and $q^{-1} = p^{-1} - s/d$, then there exists a constant $C$ such that $$ \|f\|_{L^q(\mathbb{R}^d)} \leq C\|f\|_{\dot W^{s, p}(\mathbb{R}^d)} $$ for any $f \in \dot W^{s, p}(\mathbb{R}^d)$. However, if (say) the constant 1 function were in $\dot H^1$, then we would get for some $q < \infty$ the statement $\|1\|_{L^q(\mathbb{R}^d)} < \infty$, which is not true. Furthermore, if the $\dot H^1$ norm is measuring the size of the gradient, then the right hand side should actually be zero; is this the case?
In Evans, for instance, whenever a Sobolev-type inequality is put forth bounding an $L^q$ norm of $f$ in terms of an $L^p$ norm of its derivative, he either always takes the domain to be bounded, or states that the inequality holds only for $f$ with compact support (both of these conditions rule out the constant 1 function being a counterexample). The fact that this homogeneous Sobolev embedding exists on all of $\mathbb{R}^d$ suggests to me that maybe constant functions are not in the homogeneous spaces, or that I'm missing some hypothesis. Either way, any clarification would be much appreciated.
The answer to your first question is yes. Nevertheless, I think you are getting confused with the definitions. Notice that constant functions do belong to $\dot{H}^1$, actually, they belong to any $\dot{H}^s$ for any integer $s\geq 1$. On the other hand, for functions $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ in order to belong to $\dot{H}^s$ it is not mandatory to satisfy $f\in L^2$, they only need to satisfy $\partial^\alpha f\in L^2$ for $\vert \alpha\vert=s$. Actually, by standard Fourier analysis, you can prove that if a function satisfies $f\in L^2$ and $\partial^\alpha f\in L^2$ for every $\vert \alpha\vert=s$, then $f\in H^s$ (use your norm definition in terms of $\xi$). Therefore, there is an inclusion, but they certainly are not equivalent.
Notice also that polynomials of order $s-1$ belong to $\dot{H}^s$, so yes, $\dot{H}^s$ only see regularity at the top-order level.