Let $X$ be a scheme such that $O_X$ is a coherent $O_X$-module. Assume that for every open subset $U\subset X$ and every family of coherent ideal sheaves $\{I_i\}_i$ of $O_U$, $\sum_iI_i$ is a coherent $O_U$-module. Do we have that $O_{X,x}$ is a Noetherian ring for every $x\in X$? The question is inspired by Def. A.7 in $D$-modules and Microlocal Calculus by Kashiwara.
2025-03-07 03:24:37.1741317877
Is a Noetherian sheaf of rings stalkwise Noetherian?
39 Views Asked by Doug https://math.techqa.club/user/doug/detail AtRelated Questions in ALGEBRAIC-GEOMETRY
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