Is it possible to generate two dimensional Pareto distributed data with python?

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I would like to generate 2D random data, which is Pareto distributed.

a, m = 30., 2. # Shape and mode
s = (np.random.pareto(a,1000) + 1) * m 

I am using the numpy Pareto package in order to generate the data for X and adding later also (the same way) generated data for Y.

Is that the correct way? Is there another way to generate 2D Pareto Data?

Thank you.


There are 1 best solutions below


With numpy and scipy's random number generation, use a tuple for the size parameter to specify the dimensions of a multidimensional array, e.g. size=(2, 10) as an argument creates a $2\times10$ two-dimensional array. If you call it s, you can set x, y = s.