I would like to calculate entropy of this example scheme
Equation of entropy
Then the entropy is (the first line)
So entropy is for this scheme
For the first cluster - ( (5/6)*Log(5/6) + (1/6)*Log(1/6) )
For the second cluster - ( (1/6)*Log(1/6) + (1/6)*Log(1/6) + (4/6)*Log(4/6) )
For the third cluster - ( (2/5)*Log(2/5) + (3/5)*Log(3/5) )
Final entropy is :
FirtCluster_Entropy + SecondCluster_Entropy + ThirdCluster_Entropy
Am i correct?
One step is missing, you must do the overall computation:
Where N1=6, N2=6 and N3=5 correspond to length of each cluster, and N=17 is the total amount of objects. Then