Is my entropy calculation correct? Clustering entropy example

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I would like to calculate entropy of this example scheme

enter image description here

Equation of entropy

Then the entropy is (the first line)

enter image description here

So entropy is for this scheme

For the first cluster - ( (5/6)*Log(5/6) + (1/6)*Log(1/6) ) 
For the second cluster  - ( (1/6)*Log(1/6) + (1/6)*Log(1/6) + (4/6)*Log(4/6) )
For the third cluster  - ( (2/5)*Log(2/5) + (3/5)*Log(3/5) )

Final entropy is :

 FirtCluster_Entropy + SecondCluster_Entropy  + ThirdCluster_Entropy  

Am i correct?


There are 1 best solutions below


One step is missing, you must do the overall computation:

(N1/N)*FirtCluster_Entropy + (N2/N)*SecondCluster_Entropy  + (N3/N)*ThirdCluster_Entropy

Where N1=6, N2=6 and N3=5 correspond to length of each cluster, and N=17 is the total amount of objects. Then

H = (6/17)(0.650022421648) + (6/17)(1.25162916739) + (5/17)(0.970950594455)
 = 0.956744853323706