Two properties of the subdifferential set are stated as follows: Given a function $f : \mathbb{R}^n → \mathbb{R}$,
(i) the subdifferential set $\partial f(x)$ is always convex and closed, even if $f$ is nonconvex.
(ii) $\partial f(x)$ can be nonempty set if $f$ is continuous or it could be empty set.
I wonder if there is a proof for such properties.
The way I think of property (i) is that the subdifferential $\partial f(x)$ is the intersection of infinite halfspaces thus it is convex, since $\partial f(x)$ is the set of all subgradients at $x \in \mbox{dom}(f)$. However, the closeness still need to be proved.
All comments would be highly appreciated.
It depends on which subdifferential you are talking about.