After I thought of it, I saw the Yoneda lemma, which initially seemed to be the same thing,
but a more careful examination convinced me that the Yoneda lemma is significantly different.
Let morphismsto and morphismsfrom be given by
morphismsto($A$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}$) is the class of all morphisms to $A$ in $\mathcal{C}$
morphismsfrom($A$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}$) is the class of all morphisms from $A$ in $\mathcal{C}$
for categories $\mathcal{C}$ and objects A of $\mathcal{C}$.
For any category $\mathcal{C}$, one can form the "class-category" $\operatorname{L}\hspace{-0.03 in}\operatorname{R}(\mathcal{C}\hspace{.02 in})$ whose objects are
$\{\hspace{-0.03 in}$morphismsto($A$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}) : A\in \mathcal{C}\} \:$ and whose morphisms from $\: \{\hspace{-0.03 in}$morphismsto($A$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}) : A\in \mathcal{C}\} \:$ to
$\{\hspace{-0.03 in}$morphismsto($B$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}) : B\in \mathcal{C}\} \:$ are the class-functions $\;\;\; g \: \mapsto \: f\hspace{-0.05 in}\circ \hspace{-0.04 in}g \;\;\;$ for morphisms $\hspace{.04 in}f$ from $A$ to $B$.
Unless I'm missing something here, one can then define a faithful functor $\mathcal{F}\hspace{.02 in}$ from $\mathcal{C}$ to $\operatorname{L}\hspace{-0.03 in}\operatorname{R}(\mathcal{C}\hspace{.02 in})$
by $\;\;\; \mathcal{F}\hspace{.02 in}(A) \: = \: \{\hspace{-0.03 in}$morphismsto($A$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}) : A\in \mathcal{C}\} \;\;\;$ and $\;\;\; (\mathcal{F}\hspace{.02 in}(\hspace{.05 in}f : A\to B))(\hspace{.02 in}g) \: = \: f\hspace{-0.05 in}\circ \hspace{-0.04 in}g \;\;\;$, $\;\;\;$ and that
$\mathcal{F}\hspace{.02 in}$ is such that for all morphisms $\hspace{.04 in}f\hspace{-0.03 in}$ in $\mathcal{C}$, $\hspace{.04 in}f$ is a monomorphism if and only if $\hspace{.02 in}\mathcal{F}\hspace{.02 in}(\hspace{.05 in}f\hspace{.03 in})$ is injective.
By analogy with groups and rings and algebras, I was imagining that construction would
be called the left-regular representation. $\:$ However, searching with google does not
turn up any use of the phrase "left-regular" in any context like what I'm talking about.
I am well aware that $\operatorname{L}\hspace{-0.03 in}\operatorname{R}(\mathcal{C}\hspace{.02 in})$ can have objects and morphisms which are proper classes
even if $\mathcal{C}$ is locally small. $\:$ Are there any other problems with my (attempted?) construction?
Does my (attempted?) construction have a name?
If my construction works, then in cases where the classes morphismsto($A$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}$) are not necessarily sets but the classes morphismsfrom($A$,$\mathcal{C}\hspace{.03 in}$) are necessarily sets, one can get set objects by applying the construction to the opposite category and then using this answer, although I haven't worked out whether or not that would also give the "monomorphism if and only if $\hspace{.02 in}\mathcal{F}\hspace{.02 in}(\hspace{.05 in}f\hspace{.03 in})$ is injective" property.
Freyd and Scedrov call this construction (seen as a functor $\mathcal{C} \to \text{Set}$ as in Qiaochu Yuan's answer) the Cayley representation in their book Categories, Allegories. They use it to prove the completeness theorem:
This construction first appeared in the Appendix of the Eilenberg-MacLane paper General theory of natural equivalences, where it is noted that it is an analogue of the left regular representation.