I have two questions.
$(1.)$ Is there a property of the natural numbers such that we know at least one number satisfies it but we don't know which one?
Even more,
$(2.)$ Is there a property of the natural numbers such that we know at least one number satisfies but we don't know which one and moreover we cannot bound any such number by another known number?
Now the question might arise of what does it mean to know a number. To be able to write it down in finite time given an infinite amount ink and paper would suffice.
Goldbach's conjecture is the statement that, if $n$ is an even natural number and $n>2$ then $n$ is the sum of two primes. It is not known whether this conjecture is true, nor is any bound known on how big the first counterexample could be if the conjecture is false. In view of this situation, consider the following property of a natural number $n$: Either $n$ is the first counterexample to Goldbach's conjecture or Goldbach's conjecture is true and $n=0$. We know that there is exactly one $n$ with this property (because either Goldbach's conjecture is true or it has exactly one first counterexample), but we don't have any reasonable bound for how big $n$ could be. (The weasely word "reasonable" is there to exclude "bounds" like "$7+$ the first counterexample to Goldbach's conjecture or $13$ if Goldbach's conjecture is true".)