I would like to know the structure of the groups $L_3(4).C_2$ and $L_3(4).C_{11}$.
(By $C_n$ I mean the cyclic group of order $n$ and by $G=K.L$ I mean the non-spli extension of $K$ by $L$, were $K$ is a normal subgroup of $G$.)
I would like to know the structure of the groups $L_3(4).C_2$ and $L_3(4).C_{11}$.
(By $C_n$ I mean the cyclic group of order $n$ and by $G=K.L$ I mean the non-spli extension of $K$ by $L$, were $K$ is a normal subgroup of $G$.)
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It appears there are no nonsplit extensions of $L_3(4)$ by $C_{11}$ or $C_2$.
(This CW answer posted to remove this question from the unanswered queue. All credit to Jack Schmidt in the comments.)