Non-unique Bayes rules admissibility

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I have a question about non-unique Bayes rule. Are they in general inadmissible or admissible and why? Thanks in advance!


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Bayes rules are admissible if they are unique in the sense of equivalence defined as the equality of the risk function.
Proof by contradiction. Let's assume that the Bayes rule $d_0$ is not admissible and that it is unique (in the sense written above). It means that there is a rule $d_1$, which is better than $d_0$: $R_{d_1}(\theta) \leq R_{d_0}(\theta)$ for all $\theta \in \Theta$ and $R_{d_1}(\theta) < R_{d_0}(\theta)$ for some $\theta _0 \in \Theta$. $\theta _0$ is Bayes rule, so: $$\int_\Theta R_{d_0}(\theta)d\tau (\theta) \geq \int_\Theta R_{d_1}(\theta)d\tau (\theta)$$ Then $d_1$ is also a Bayes rule, so by uniqueness of the Bayes rule $d_0$: $R_{d_0}(\theta)=R_{d_1}(\theta)$ for all $\theta \in \Theta$, so $d_1$ isn't better than $d_1$. A contradiction.

Note that a non-unique Bayes rule doesn't have to be admissible. Let X be a random sample from experiment: $\Theta= \{ \theta_0, \theta_1 \}$, where $P_{\theta_0}$~ $N(0,1)$ and $P_{\theta_1}$~ $\delta(0)$. Let $\tau(\theta)= \mathbb{1}_{ \{ \theta=\theta_1 \} }$. Now let's compare two estimators of variance $d_0(X)=0$ and $d_1(X)= \mathbb{1}_{ \{ X \neq 0 \}}$. Clearly both estimators are Bayes estimator but the first one is inadmissible (under quadratic Error Function).