In Jürgen Richter-Gebert's book "Perspectives on Projective Geometry", he talks about Plucker’s $\mu$ in Section 6.3. He says that this trick was used by Plucker quite often.
Plucker's trick involves finding the equation of a curve in a plane which passes through the intersection of two geometric objects of the same type. For example, if $f(x,y) = ax+by+c$, then $f \equiv 0$ represents a straight line. If we want the equation of a line passing through the intersection of two lines $f_1$ and $f_2$ and a point $(u,v)$, then according to Plucker, it is evidently $$f_1(u,v)f_2(x,y) - f_1(x,y)f_2(u,v).$$
One can do this for conics as well. If $f_1$ and $f_2$ represents two conic equations, then the above form represents the conic passing through the intersections of the two conics and passing through the point $(u,v)$.
I want to know some more applications of this trick. For example, if two conics do not intersect at four points, Plucker's trick yields a conic. What is the meaning of this conic?
As a special case, if two circles do not intersect, then Plucker's trick gives a circle passing through the point $(u,v)$. But I am not able to understand the significance of such a circle.
Another famous application is a simple proof of Pascal's Theorem:
Take $C_2$, a plane conic, with six points $P,Q,R,P',Q',R'$ and the lines $l_1 = PQ'$, $l_1'=PR'$, $l_2'=QP'$, $l_2=QR'$, $l_3=RP'$, $l_3'=RQ'$.
Then $f = l_1 l_2 l_3 - \mu l_1' l_2' l_3' = 0$ (where the line names stand for their linear equations) describes a family of cubics $Y_\mu$, which have the six given points in common with $C_2$. Alltogether there are nine points where one $l_i$ intersects one $l'_j$. Now take a special $\mu_0$ such that $Y'=Y_{\mu_0}$ has a seventh point in common with $C_2$. By Bezout's theorem $Y'$ contains $C_2$ and so splits into $C_2$ and a line. This line contains the three $l_i \cap l'_j$ which are not on $C_2$ and this is exactly the statement of Pascal's theorem.
I took this example from Felix Klein, "Vorlesungen über die Entwicklung der Mathematik im 19. Jahrhundert", Springer Reprint 1979, p.122,123 - an extraordinary interesting book which gives a supreme panoramic view on the mathematics of the 19th century and the mathematicians that built it.