I am having trouble with the last part of this. From LaGrange's theorem, n divides m. I am not sure how to prove the last part though.
Let $G$ be a finite cyclic group of order $m$ generated by $g$. Let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$ of order $n$. Prove that $n|m$ and that $H$ is generated by $g^{m/n}$
Any help is appreciated!
Order the elements of $G$ as follows : $G = \{1,g,g^2,\cdots,g^{m-1}\}$. If $H$ is a subgroup of order $n$, you suspect (this is no proof) that the elements of $H$ will be $\{1,g^{m/n},g^{2m/n},\cdots,g^{(n-1)m/n} \}$. An equivalent statement to this is that $g^{m/n}$ generates $H$. We will prove this.
Label the elements of $G$ as follows : $1 = x_0$, $g = x_1$, $\cdots, g^{m-1} = x_{m-1}$. Let $h \in H$ be the element of $H$ with the smallest positive label (positive meaning $> 0$ here). Now we know that $x_i^k = x_{ki}$ as long as $ki < m$. Let $i_0$ be the label of $h$ and assume $x_j \in H$. By the Euclidean algorithm, we can write $j = i_0 \alpha + \beta$ with $0 \le \beta < i_0$. If $\beta \neq 0$, we have $$ x_{\beta} = x_j x_{i_0}^{-\alpha} \in H, $$ contradicting the fact that $h = x_{i_0}$ has the smallest positive label. Therefore $\beta = 0$ and $x_j = x_{i_0}^{\alpha}$. Therefore $H$ is generated by $x_{i_0} = g^{i_0}$, hence $H$ is cyclic. Since the subgroup generated by $g^{i_0}$ has order $n$, we must have $i_0 = m/n$.
(P.S. : You don't need the labelling process, but I just thought it would make it easier to distinguish the exponents put on $g$ from the elements themselves.)
Hope that helps,