Show that it is possible to guarantee a win by buying $14$ tickets.

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You enter a lottery by picking a subset of three numbers from $\{1,2,3,4 \dots 14\}$ . You win a prize if you match at least two of the numbers on the winning ticket.

Show that it is possible to guarantee a win by buying $14$ tickets. (Hint: Use the $(7, 7, 3, 3, 1)$- design.)

If we make sure to have every pair appear once in the design, we are guaranteed a win.

I am not sure how this can be done using the $(7,7,3,3,1)$-design. We need $14$ elements, not $7$.

I gather we need a $(14,14,r, 3, 1)$-design, but then $r$ is not an integer.

(BTW, this is from Combinatorics by Mazur)


There are 1 best solutions below


Either two numbers come from $1-7$, or two numbers come from $8-14$.