I'm following Massey's "Basic Course in Algebraic Topology" and I'm stuck on his section explaining free abelian groups. He seems to be using a definition of free abelian groups that differs from most others' definitions, and then he leaves it to the reader to show that they're the same, but I can't figure out the proof. More specifically:
He defines a free abelian group on an arbitrary set $S$ as an abelian group $F$ together with a function $\phi:S\to F$ such that for any abelian group $A$ and any function $\psi:S\to A$, there exists a unique homomorphism $f:F\to A$ such that $f\circ\phi=\psi$. He shows that free abelian groups over a given set are unique up to isomorphism, and then leaves the following as an exercise:
"Prove directly from the definition that $\phi(S)$ generates $F$. [Hint: Assume not; consider the subgroup $F'$ generated by $\phi(S)$.]"
I can't figure out this exercise, but it seems really important to understanding this particular definition of free abelian groups. My guess is to let $\langle\phi(S)\rangle$ be $A$ and let $\psi$ be $\phi$ in the above definition, but I can't produce a contradiction.
Thank you for your help.
Edit: I just realized this question is very related to this other question, but I'm not convinced by the responses. The responses show that $\langle\phi(S)\rangle$ is isomorphic to $F$, but that doesn't seem (to me...) to show that they are equal, since $2\mathbb{Z}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}$ without being equal.
This is not what the hint tells you to do, but I think that it is easier to show $<\phi(S)>$ satisfies the universal property. Then, you'll have that $<\phi(S)>$ is isomorphic to $F$ and that the isomorphism is given by the inclusion.