Smoothness of solutions of the curve shortening flow given bounded curvature

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I've been looking at the Lemma 1.5 of The Heat Equation Shrinks Embedded Plane Curves to Round Points (here), where Matthew Grayson proved that

If $\kappa(s,t)$ is bounded for $t\in[0,t_0)$. Then for some $\varepsilon>0$, $C(t)$ exists and is smooth for $t\in [0,t_0+\varepsilon)$.

In the proof he uses the formula $${\partial\over\partial t}{\partial\over\partial s}={\partial\over\partial s}{\partial\over\partial t}+\kappa^2{\partial\over\partial s}$$ and also $${\partial\kappa\over\partial t}={\partial^2\kappa\over\partial s^2}+\kappa^3$$ to obtain that $${\partial\over\partial t}\left({\partial\kappa\over\partial s}\right)={\partial\over\partial s^2}\left({\partial\kappa\over\partial s}\right)+4\kappa^2\left({\partial\kappa\over\partial s}\right).$$ He claims that this equation bounds the rate of growth of ${\partial\kappa\over\partial s}$ to exponential.

Repeated applications of the first formula yield $${\partial\over\partial t}\left({\partial^n\kappa\over\partial s^n}\right)={\partial\over\partial s^2}\left({\partial^n\kappa\over\partial s^n}\right)+(n+3)\kappa^2\left({\partial^n\kappa\over\partial s^n}\right)\;+\;\text{previously bounded terms},$$ so he gets the same as before for the $n$-th derivative of $\kappa$.

With this, using again the first formula, it is proved that the curve converges as $t\to t_0$. And similarly, $C(t_0)$ is smooth.

He finally applies the Theorem 1.1 to obtain that $C(t)$ exists and is smooth for some further short time.

I'm struggling to understand the key parts of this proof:

  • The boundedness of the derivatives is not that obvious to me from the above formulas. I guess he gets an PDE which solution can be bounded by an exponential, but if so I don't really see how.
  • From the boundedness of the derivatives of $\kappa$ with respect to $s$ for a fixed $t$, $C(t)$ converges as $t\to t_0$. This is because with $\kappa$ and its derivatives bounded, the curves under the flow must exist for $t\in[0,t_0)$. And the same argument for the smoothness... Am I right?

As you can see I'm kind of lost here, it would be great if anyone could explain to me a little bit these two ideas. Thanks in advance.


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$\newcommand{\pd}[2]{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial#2}}$ $\newcommand{\pdk}[3]{\frac{\partial^#3#1}{\partial#2^#3}}$ $\newcommand{\pdd}[3]{\frac{\partial^2#1}{\partial#2\ \partial #3}}$

I worked out this proof and I can answer my own question(s) now.

  1. For my first question on the exponential boundedness of $\pd\kappa s$, let consider $$F(s,t)=e^{\alpha t}\pd\kappa s$$ and compute its time derivative: $$\pd F t=\alpha e^{\alpha t}\pd\kappa s+e^{\alpha t}\pdd\kappa s t.$$ Substituting the value of $\pdd\kappa s t$ from the equation obtained previously in the proof, $$\pd F t= e^{\alpha t}\left(\alpha\pd\kappa s+\pdk\kappa s 3+4\kappa^2\pd\kappa s\right).$$ We want to put this as much in terms of $F$ (rather than $\kappa$) as is possible. We already know $\pd\kappa s= e^{-\alpha t}F$, and differentiating this gives us expressions for the higher derivatives of $\kappa$ with respect to $s$. Substituting these all into $\pd F t$ we get a parabolic equation for $F$, $$\pd F t =\pdk F s 2+(\alpha+4\kappa^2)F.$$ Since $\kappa$ is bounded we can choose $\alpha$ so that $\alpha+4\kappa^2\leq 0$, so the maximum principle tells us that $F$ achieves its maximum on the parabolic boundary. Then we get

$$\pd\kappa s\leq e^{-\alpha t}\sup_{t=0}F=e^{-\alpha t}\sup_{t=0}\pd\kappa s.$$

  1. Once we get bounded all derivatives of $\kappa$ with respect to $s$ (plus the hypothesis of $\kappa$ bounded), we obtain that the curvature and its derivatives don't blow up for times $[0,t_0)$, and therefore the curves under the flow are $\mathcal{C}^\infty$. Hence, $C(t_0)$ exists and is smooth.

Hope this can help others to understand what it is done here, and similar computations that show up a lot in geometric analysis.