Let $A=L+D+R$, where $L$ is a strict lower triangular, $D$ a diagonal and $R$ an strict upper triangular matrix.
Consider the symmetric Gauss Seidel iteration:
\begin{align*} (L+D)x^{(k+1/2)}+Rx^{(k)}&=b \\ Lx^{(k+1/2)}+(D+R)x^{(k+1)}&=b \end{align*}
How can I show that this iteration is consistent? My idea is to plug in the solution $x$ into $x^{(k)}$ and try to get the same solution $x$ into $x^{(k+1)}$, but I am having trouble with this.
You can take the actual solution $x=x^{(k)}$ and get $$(L+D)x^{(k+1/2)} + Rx= b = (L+D+R)x.$$ If $L+D$ is invertible (it has to be, else the algorithm will not work), you get $x=x^{(k+1/2)}$. The same argument will now apply to the second equation, thus you will get $x=x^{(k+1)}$.
By subtracting the two equations, you can prove that if $x^{(k)}=x^{(k+1)}$ you have $Ax^{(k)}=b$.