The number of ways in which a $9$-by-$9$ grid can be filled given some conditions.

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enter image description here

How to find the number of ways in which the above $9$-by-$9$ grid can be filled using the digits $(1-9)$ (repetition is allowed) such that all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • Any $3$-by-$3$ grid is not totally empty.

  • Any $3$-by-$3$ grid is not totally filled.

  • Any $3$-by-$3$ grid must not contain repeated digits.

  • Any row must not contain repeated digits.

  • Any column must not contain repeated digits.

  • There must not be any empty row.

  • There must not be any row which is totally filled.

  • There must not be any empty column.

  • There must not be any column which is totally filled.

Here are examples of INVALID cases (according to the above conditions, respectively):

  • An empty $3$-by-$3$ grid:

enter image description here

  • A totally filled $3$-by-$3$ grid:

enter image description here

  • Repeated digits in a $3$-by-$3$ grid:

enter image description here

  • Repeated digits in a row:

enter image description here

  • Repeated digits in a column:

enter image description here

  • An empty row:

enter image description here

  • A totally filled row:

enter image description here

  • An empty column:

enter image description here

  • A totally filled column:

enter image description here

Note that $C1,C2,C3,\dots,C9,R1,R2,R3,\dots,R9$ are positioned/attached to the $9$-by-$9$ grid to indicate that a rotated or transposed $9$-by-$9$ grid is considered as a different way (i.e. a rotated or transposed $9$-by-$9$ grid must be counted). Here are three examples of different VALID cases:

First example:

enter image description here

Second example:

enter image description here

Third example:

enter image description here

I saw similar question in this forum (sudoku problems), but those questions are not exact to this one.

Your help would be really appreciated. THANKS!


There are 1 best solutions below


We can improve the upper bound of the required number $N$ of ways from my comment as follows.

Consider the first column of the filled grid. Assume it has $k$ zeroes. Then $1\le k\le 8$ and there are ${9\choose k}$ ways to place them in the column and $\tfrac {9!}{k!}$ ways to fill the remaining $9-k$ cells with positive numbers.

Now consider the possibilities to fill a row.

Assume that a row starts from a zero. It there are $m$ remaining zeroes in the row then $0\le m\le 7$ and there are ${8\choose m}$ ways to place them in the row and $\tfrac {9!}{(m+1)!}$ ways to fill the remaining $8-m$ cells with positive numbers. This give us in total $N_0=\sum_{m=0}^7 {8\choose m}\tfrac {9!}{(m+1)!}=4596552$ possibilities to fill a row.

Assume that a row starts from a positive number. It there are $m$ zeroes in the row then $1\le m\le 8$ and there are ${8\choose m}$ ways to place them in the row and $\tfrac {8!}{m!}$ ways to fill the remaining $8-m$ cells with positive numbers. This give us in total $N_+=\sum_{m=1}^8 {8\choose m}\tfrac {8!}{m!}=1401409$ possibilities to fill a row.

In total, we have a bound

$N\le \sum_{k=1}^8 {9\choose k} \tfrac {9!}{k!} N_0^k N_+^{9-k}\approx 1.438\cdot 10^{64}$.

Again, this bound can be improved if we take into account that the rows are not independent but cannot contain a common positive number in the same column. But it seems this way leads to more complicted calculations and not a very big improvement.