Understanding the Fluid limit model in Queueing Theory

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I am self-studying the fluid limit model in queuing theory.

The basic setting is that: let $Q(t)$ be the total number of customers in the system. Consider the simplest case of M/M/1 queuing system. Usually in papers, they accelerate time by $n$ and scale the state by $1/n$. Then the new process $X(t)=Q(nt)/n$ will converge to the solution of an ODE. My question is, how should we interpret the process $X(t)$? Any physical relationship between this $X(t)$ to the original process $Q(t)$? I think our ultimate goal is still trying to study the process $Q(t)$, now we do this transformation and obtain $X(t)$, which should be a much simpler process, but how does this $X(t)$ help us to understand $Q(t)$?


There are 2 best solutions below


You can interpret it similarly to a sample mean: measuring the height of 100 randomly selected people and taking the average will give you a good idea of the average height in the sample population (the Law of Large Numbers is the formal mathematical meaning of a "good idea" here).

A queuing process is a random process (analogous to the random variable of height in the example). The fluid limit is the "average" process. That is, it a deterministic process defined by the ODE which represents the average sample path of the random queuing process. The time acceleration is similar to taking a large sample and taking average, in the sense that you have more arrivals/departures at every unit of time but then divide them by the same speed up rate to compute the average. This is known as a Functional Law of Large Numbers (FLLN).

The above explanation is intuitive, but all of the arguments can be made formal, as is done in many Queueing Theory books. I hope it helps.


An intuitive way of thinking about the fluid limit is to think of it as how the process would look like if we "zoom out" and view the process from a large distance (dividing space by $n$) and at large timescale (multiplying time by $n$). This way, stochastic fluctuations of order $\sqrt n$ would be negligible and will not be seen from this "zoomed out" view. A good reference for a rigorous treatment of fluid limits with intuitive explanation can be found here.