Verifying a polynomial is positive on the half-line defined by $z \geq 1$

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I am running experiments that produce polynomials $P(z)$ that, in every experiment I have run, are always positive on the half-line $\{z \geq 1\}$. I want to prove analytically that the polynomials that I generate using my rules must have this property. Unfortunately, the signs of the coefficients of the powers of $z$ in $P(z)$ usually change sign often (of course the leading coefficient is positive). In all of my experiments so far, all the nonzero coefficients of the powers of $t$ in $P(t+1)$ are always positive (which is certainly more than sufficient for $P$ to be positive on $\{z \geq 1\}$). I would like a way to verify that $P(z)$ is positive for $z \geq 1$ without having to multiply out $P(t+1)$. I would like to emphasize that I only need to show that $P(z)$ is positive for $z \geq 1$, I don't need to prove $P(t+1)$ has all positive coefficients. The fact that apparently $P(t+1)$ always has positive coefficients suggests that there may be a simple test for me to use to prove what I need.

Clarification: I do have analytic proof that $P(z=1)>0$ and the leading coefficient of $P(z)$ is positive. I do not have analytic proof that the coefficients of $P(t+1)$ are positive, but the polynomials I am generating in my experiment seem to have this strong property. Therefore I am hoping there is a simple test for signs of polynomials that will show that my polynomials are always positive on $\{z \geq 1\}$. I want an analytic, not a numerical tool.

UPDATE: Here is where the polynomials come from: let $n \geq 1$ and let $\mu_1, \mu_2, \ldots, \mu_n, \gamma_1,\gamma_2, \ldots, \gamma_n$ be distinct positive integers. For real $z$, define the $n$-by-$n$ matrix $M(z)$ by

$$M(z)_{i,j} = \frac{1}{\mu_i + \gamma_j} + \frac{z^{\gamma_j}}{\mu_i - \gamma_j},$$

and define the polynomial $P$ with rational coefficients by $P(z) = \operatorname{det}(M(z))$. I want to show $P(z)$ has the same, nonzero sign for all $z \geq 1$. As I note below, $P(1)$ is known to be nonzero. If $P(1) < 0$, just switch the top two rows of $M(z)$ for all $z$ and $P(1)$ becomes positive.

$M(1)$ is the product of a "Cauchy matrix'' ( and a nonsingular diagonal matrix. There is a known exact formula for the determinant of a Cauchy matrix. For $z>>1$, $M(z)$ also resembles the product of a nonsingular diagonal matrix and a Cauchy matrix, and the determinant of $M(z)$ works out to have the same sign as that of $M(1)$ (which we have rigged to be positive).

The special case where all the $\mu$'s are bigger than all the $\gamma$'s has been solved.

Here is an example of $P(z)$:





and this is $P(t+1)$:








There are 2 best solutions below


$P(t+1)$ is a polynomial with positive values for all positive $t$. A such it definitely need not have only positive coefficients, consider for example $P(t+1)=t^2-t+1$ (corresponding to $P(t)=t^2-3t+3$). So even the simple test of looking at coefficients of $P(t+1)$ fails.

My suggestion: First verify that $P(1)=\sum a_k>0$ and of course $a_n>0$. Numerically determine all roots of $P'(t)$ with $t>1$ and verify that $P(t)>0$ for these. (Of course this is even more laborious than computing the coefficients of $P(t+1)$)


Edit: The below assumed that we knew that all the roots of $P(t)$ had real part less than zero, and that $P(z)$ was a polynomial over $\mathbb{C}$. So it's no longer relevant, given the updated information. I'll try to edit in an answer that is correct.

Since the coefficients of $P(t)$ are all positive, then $P(t) > 0$ when $t > 0$. By the Gauss-Lucas theorem, the zeros of $P'(t)$ must lie in the convex hull of the zeros of $P(t)$. Therefore, $P'(t)$ has no zeros on the positive real line.

Let $z = t+1$. Then, $$\frac{dP}{dz} = \frac{dP}{dt}\frac{dt}{dz} = P'(z-1).$$ The convex hull containing the zeros of $P'(z)$ is just the convex hull containing the zeros of $P'(t)$ shifted over by $1$.

Therefore, $P'(z)$ has no zeros on the real line to the right of $z = 1$.

Note: this is just a hackneyed way of saying "P(z) is P(t) shifted to the right by 1".