why are picard groups called picard groups

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I am looking for an origin of the picard groups. Unfortunately I cann't find a reference where this is mentionned. Does anybody know where the name comes from?


There are 2 best solutions below


Here is a (translated) quote from G. Castelnuovo, "Sur les intègrales de différentielles totales appartenant à une surface irrégulaière", Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Acadeémie des sciences, Paris. 140, 23 Jan 1905. pp. 220-222:

out of respect for Picard's profound research on surfaces admitting a group of birational automorphisms, [he] proposes calling the variety $P$ (and [a certain] group $G_d$) the Picard variety (and Picard group) associated to the surface $X$.

I have found this in Kleiman's "The Picard scheme", which contains some further historical remarks.


According to wikipedia "The name is in honor of Émile Picard's theories, in particular of divisors on algebraic surfaces." I would assume one of the references on the page probably contains what you want.