Why you need the full semantics for SOL to prove Zermelo’s Quasi-Categoricity Theorem. Which step relies on it? Thanks.
2025-01-13 05:52:46.1736747566
Why do you need the full semantics to prove the quasi categoricity of second-order ZFC
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I will follow Kanamori's proof (Theorem 1.3. of Kanamori 2013.) This theorem only shows $V_\kappa$ models second-order ZFC under full semantics iff $\kappa$ is inaccessible. However, it is not hard to prove from Kanamori's result that every model of second-order ZFC is isomorphic to $V_\kappa$ for some inaccessible $\kappa$:
The main feature of full semantics, unlike Henkin semantics, is it can access arbitrary subsets and function over the domain. Since Kanamori's proof uses somewhat arbitrary functions over $V_\kappa$, every part of the proof needs full semantics.
Let us examine the regularity of $\kappa$ as an example. Kanamori starts the proof with the existence of $\alpha<\kappa$ and a cofinal function $G:\alpha\to \kappa$ to derive a contradiction. We can see that $G$ can be extended to a function from $V_\kappa$ to $V_\kappa$ without changing its range (this is not what Kanamori did, but it does not harm the main outline of the proof.) Therefore, $V_\kappa$ can access the range of $G$ due to second-order replacement.
This proof breaks out if we use Henkin semantics: we do not know whether $G$ is included in a range of function variables of the given model. Therefore, we cannot ensure the second-order replacement is applicable to $G$.
We can also see that the remaining part of the proof also breaks down by a similar argument. (Even worse, we cannot even ensure every model of second-order ZFC is well-founded! In fact, there is an ill-founded model of second-order ZFC under Henkin semantics.)