I can't understand the result of the following set:
$$ \{\overline{x∈ℚ\hspace{3pt}|\hspace{3pt}x = \frac{z}{y}\hspace{3pt}with\hspace{3pt}x,y,z∈ℤ,\hspace{3pt}y > 1\hspace{3pt}and\hspace{3pt}|z|,y\hspace{3pt}are\hspace{3pt}coprime}\} =\hspace{3pt} ? $$
The most difficult part for me to visualize is the coprime condition. For example, are the numbers 5, 6, and 35, belong to this set, because 6 and 35 are coprime and $\frac{35}{6}=5$?
Then how can I represent the complement of this set?