I am a chemist, so I have little experience in the field of math.
My program is that I have a set of points (approx. 20000) in some larger dimensional space (like 10-20 dimensions), and I want to be able to interpolate between these discrete points. I have found, after some research, the method of Shephard, which seems to be suitable for my needs.However, no matter how hard I look, I can not find alternatives. It looks like Shephard is the only common way to go.
Since my project should have as few fitting errors as possible, I would like to implement some additional methods, and compare the results. Are there more interpolation methods like Shephard's?
p.s. my function goes to zero at infinity of any coordinate, and it goes to infinity if some given coordinates have approximately the same value. Can you tell me anything about Shephard's performance in cases like this?
There is a vast literature on this problem. For a start have a look at the wikpedia article on "multivariate interpolation". The big challenge is not to get lost in the dazzling variety of approaches. There is no single approach which is best in all cases. The following criteria might be helpful in distinguishing between the various ways to approach the problem:
For scattered data an approach called "radial basis function interpolation" (or Kriging or Gaussian Process Regression, all different names for basically the same thing) is very flexible in respect to criteria (2) to (4). Textbooks discussing this approach are: