On nLab, the authors characterize an analytic space as locally modeled on formal duals of sub-algebras of power series algebras with desirable convergence properties. I have seen the definition for (complex) analytic spaces, and while I understand the basic construction, I'm having trouble understanding this idea of "formal duality" in a more general context.
For example, in scheme theory, there is the usual adjunction between $\operatorname{Spec}$ and $\Gamma$ restricting to an equivalence $\mathsf{Aff}\leftrightharpoons \mathsf{CRing}^\text{op}$.
Somewhat similarly, the functor $C^\infty(-):\mathsf{SmoothMfd}\longrightarrow \mathsf{Alg}_\mathbb{R}^\text{op}$ can be shown to be fully faithful, and so restricts to an equivalence into the (full) subcategory of $\mathsf{Alg}_\mathbb{R}^\text{op}$ of objects in the image of $C^\infty(-)$.
On the nLab page about analytic spaces, their hyperlink associated to "formal duals" leads to their page on Isbell duality. This leads me to believe (given my limited knowledge of category theory) that the two examples above are specific instantiations of this duality, but I'm having trouble making that connection.
Returning to the first paragraph, is there a similar adjunction to $\operatorname{Spec}\dashv \Gamma$ for analytic (or even locally ringed) spaces which restricts to an equivalence of local model spaces? I know this post has around three questions wrapped up in the body; I really appreciate any help or comments! Thank you.
In general, the pattern is that the category of geometric objects locally modeled on algebraic objects from some category $A$ is generated under certain colimits by $A^{op},$ which is the category of formal duals of objects of $A.$ The manifold case is unusual since every manifold is, so to speak, affine. So the analytic space case will be much more like schemes. I won’t try to answer the last question because you should try to hone in on a specific definition of analytic space you’re interested in. As you can start to see here, there are a lot of very different options once you get beyond $\mathbb C:$ https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Berkovich+space