Area of a plane triangle as limit of a spherical triangle

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We know that the area of an spherical triangle (in a unit sphere) is given by $A(\triangle) = \alpha + \beta + \gamma - \pi$, where $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$ are the interior angles of the spherical triangle.

I would like to see how plane (Euclidean) geometry works as a limit when the radius of the sphere goes to infinity. Clearly the curvature of the sphere $1/r$ becomes zero and a sphere turns into a plane. What happens to the area of the triangle?

If we say that the area of the triangle is \begin{equation} A(\triangle) = r^2 [(\alpha + \beta + \gamma) - \pi] \end{equation} clearly $\alpha + \beta + \gamma - \pi$ go to zero, but not at the rate that $r^2$ goes to infinity. It seems that this limit is infinity.

There seems to me that we can not find something like $b h/2$ (base times height over two) from spherical geometry. Right?

Of course objects become amplified in area by $r^2$ or length by $r$ so we would need to have something to pull them back.


Update: One way to pull back is to think that the actual arc lengths of the stretched triangle segments are $a=r \alpha$, $b=r \beta$, and $c= r \gamma$, so we can pull one $r$ inside the formula above and have

\begin{equation} A(\triangle) = r [(a+b+c) - \pi r] \end{equation}

where now $a,b$, and $c$ are the actual lengths of the sides. Pulling $r$ inside again shows me the area of a circle and... it seems that we better point toward

Heron's formula

and forget about base x height/2. Heron's formula is fine to me.


There are 2 best solutions below


I found a connection here. We need to use Cagnoli's Theorem

That is, given excess $E=\alpha+\beta+\gamma-\pi= A(\triangle)$ Cagnoli's Theorem establishes that:

\begin{equation} \sin \frac{E}{2} = \frac{\sqrt{ \sin s \sin (s-a) \sin (s-b) \sin(s-c)}}{ {2 \cos \frac{a}{2} \cos \frac{b}{2} \cos \frac{c}{2}}} \end{equation}

Then as we write the trigonometrical functions as Taylor series:

\begin{eqnarray*} \sin x &=& x - \frac{x^3}{3} + H.O.T. \\ \cos x &=& 1 - \frac{x^2}{2} + H. O. T. \end{eqnarray*}

When $r \to \infty$ we get an asymptotic solution by retaining only the leading order terms here. That is

\begin{equation} \lim_{r \to \infty} \sin \frac{E}{2} = \lim_{r \to \infty} \frac{E}{2}. \end{equation} (note that the radius $r$ is implicit on these equations, in addition when $r \to \infty$, $E \to 0$ since the excess will be nothing once you get from a sphere to a plane.). Similarly for the right hand side term, as $r \to \infty$ we find

\begin{equation} \lim_{r \to \infty} \frac{\sqrt{ \sin s \sin (s-a) \sin (s-b) \sin(s-c)}}{ {2 \cos \frac{a}{2} \cos \frac{b}{2} \cos \frac{c}{2}}} = \lim_{r \to \infty} \frac{\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}}{2} \end{equation} Please observe that for very large $r$ the interior angles $a$, $b$, and $c$ become really small and so their semi-perimeter $s$. That is, if $r=1$, then $a$, $b$, and $c$ are simultaneously lengths of the triangle sides (arc segments) and central angles in the sphere. If we want to increase $r \gg 1$, then, in order to preserve the size of the segments, we need to shrink the angles by a factor of $1/r$, so that the central angles $a$, $b$, and $c$ shrink to zero, but the length of the segments $a$, $b$, and $c$ remain constant. Hence there is a duality on the meaning of the symbols $a$, $b$, and $c$. As arguments of the sine and cosine functions, they are angles in radians, but as lengths they are the fixed lengths for $r=1$ and they should be preserved as the sphere explodes. What I call "pull back" in my question is this shrinking of $a$, $b$ , and $c$ as central angles of the sphere to keep the arc lengths of $a$, $b$, and $c$ constant.

From the previous two equations we find that in the limit as $r \to \infty$:

\begin{equation} E = \sqrt{s (s-a) (s-b) (s-c)}. \end{equation}

which is Heron's formula. The conversion from here to base x altitude/2 should be a common problem solved elsewhere.


We apply the Spherical Law of Cosines for Angles and render the planar area from the limiting form of this law.

Begin by rendering the arc lengths on a sphere of radius $R$* as $a,b,c$ and the respective opposite angles as $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$. The planar limit is to be obtained as $R\to\infty$ with $\alpha,\beta,c$ fixed.

(* -- We do not assume a unit radius, so "extra" factors of $R$ will appear in formulas below.)

From the spherical trigonometry law described above, we then have


We render $\cos(c/R)$ as $1-[1-\cos(c/R)]$ and apply the formula for the cosine of a sum to obtain


Next comes the sum-product relation for cosines:


$2\sin\left(\dfrac{\Delta}{2R^2}\right)\cos\left(\dfrac{\alpha+\beta-\gamma}2\right)=\sin\alpha\sin\beta[1-\cos(c/R)]$ (***)

where $\Delta$ is the area of the triangle and $\Delta/R^2=\alpha+\beta+\gamma-\pi$ is the spherical excess in radians.

We now apply our approximations for the planar limit. First:




So then (***) becomes


We now plug in the Law of Sines to render


and obtain


which matches the planar formula.