I understand that the coefficients for a Bezier curve falls easily from its recursive definition. However, looking at the polynomial unto itself, I'm struggling to understand why we need the additional weighting provided by the binomial coefficients.
As far as I'm aware, the main purpose of Bezier curves is application-based so that humans can intuitively manipulate curves. Why then, does the $i^\text{th}$ point of an $n$-degree Bezier curve need to be weighted with $n \choose i$ for the resulting curve to behave intuitively to the human manipulator?
The ${n \choose i}$ in Bezier curve formula $C(t)=\sum_{i=0}^n{{n \choose i} (1-t)^{n-i}t^iP_i}$ comes from the binomial expansion of $((1-t) + t)^n$. This means the "weighting" for all control points will sum to 1.0, which will lead to nice property for Bezier curve, such as variation diminishing property.