Calculate risk of unrelated groups

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Let's say we have a few variables (made up numbers). Each percentage is a risk of failure later in life.


  • Male 10%
  • Woman 20%


  • 25 years: 2%
  • 50 years: 5%
  • 70 years: 7%


  • Fotball: 10%
  • Baseball: 40%
  • Golf: 60%


How can I calculate the risk of for example a male that is 25 years old interested in golf?

What I thought of so far - That did not work

  1. First I thought I could make an avarage right across the board. But then I figured that inside the percentage on for example 50 years, genders is already accounted for. The groups gender, age and interests are self contained groups unaware of each other.
  2. One person can have multiple interests which also mess up my thoughts.

How should I think around this case? I'm not a math experts so in case you add formulas, also add the thought process behind it.