Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff Theorem

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This question derived from after I reading the book Naive Lie Theory, by Jhon Stillwell .

For the CBH thoerem, I am wondering how to construct some example about Exponential of Matrix, which has some property like : $$F_1(X,Y)=X+Y, F_2=\frac{1}{2}[X,Y],F_k[X,Y]=0,\forall k\geq 3$$ where $F_i(X,Y)$ comes from : $$e^Xe^Y=e^Z,Z=F_1(X,Y)+F_2(X,Y)+...$$ And here, the answer 1, give a example for scalar matrix, but I wonder if we can construct a function matrix (suppose a function matrix respect to variable $t$) also satisfying my require.

In deed, my question comes from the existence and uniqueness of solution of linear ODEs.

Any hints and help we be appriciated, thanks.


There are 1 best solutions below


According to BCH, if $[X,Y]$ commute with $X$ and $Y$, then $\exp(X)\exp(Y)=\exp(X+Y+1/2[X,Y])$.