Let $M$ be nonsingular real matrix, dimension $n$. If we know that $$MM^T=I,$$ where $I$ is identical matrix. Is it true that $M^TM=I$ too. And it is all over $\mathbb F_2$ field, which is field that consists only of $0,1$.
My first thoughts was that it is not necessary true, but then:
- If we multiply our main equation by $M$ on the right we get: $$MM^TM=M $$
- If we multiply our main equation by $M^T$ on the left, we have: $$M^TMM^T=M^T $$
So, can we conclude from here, that $M^T=I?$ Or there can exist other matrix $A\neq I$ such that $AM^T=M^T$ and $MA=M?$
Hint: What does $MM^T=I$ tell you about $M^{-1}$?