I was studying Graham's number and before we can even start calculating $g_1$ which is:
$g_1 = 3\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 3$,
I was wondering if we even have the actual value of:
$3 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 3$.
I know it is a power tower of 3's that is 7.6 trillion high (which would reach from the earth to sun of powers of 3's if using a slightly larger font). I know that even the powers of three go up pretty quickly. So, do we even have a ball park figure for this number?
The number of times you have to take the logarithm to make the number handy is about $3^{27}$, smaller than the number Ross Millikan mentions, but still very large.
To be exact, we have
$$10\uparrow\uparrow (3^{27}-1)<3\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 3=3\uparrow\uparrow (3^{27})<10\uparrow\uparrow (3^{27})$$
If we take $log_{10}$ $3^{27}-2$ times, we arrive at a number between $10$ and $10^{10}$, definitely handy. If we define $10^{10^{10}}$ to be handy, we have to take the logarithm only $3^{27}-3$ times.
This is definitely too much to have any hope to calculate the number. Even the calculation of, lets say, $3\uparrow\uparrow 10$ , is infeasible.
Neither is there any way to comprehend the size of this number. But the size of the power tower can be comprehended.