The formula for computing the geometric mean seems to be the arithmetic mean formula except with all operations "shifted up" by one in the hyperoperator chain.
While arithmetic mean is:
In the geometric mean, the addition has been replaced with multiplication and division replaced with a root:
$$(a b c\cdots)^{1/n}$$
One might thus wonder whether this could be extended further, replacing the multiplication with an exponentiation and the root with a "super-root," the inverse of a tetration.
Something like:
Where the subscript $n$ stands for $n$th super-root.
Of course, this is problematic for the reason that exponentiation is not commutative; nonetheless, is there any such generalization of means and what significance could it hold?
There is a different sort of mean: $$\left(\frac{a^p+b^p+c^p+\cdots}n\right)^{1/p}$$ It includes: