If I have a metric space $X$ and a function $f$ from $X$ to $X$ that is bi-Lipschitz, then will $f$ extend continuously to a function from the completion of $X$ to itself?
I think that bi-Lipschitzness (or at least Lipschitz) is necessary here.
If I have a metric space $X$ and a function $f$ from $X$ to $X$ that is bi-Lipschitz, then will $f$ extend continuously to a function from the completion of $X$ to itself?
I think that bi-Lipschitzness (or at least Lipschitz) is necessary here.
I think that $f$ being uniformly continuous is already enough here. This is the standard extension property for metric completions (see the section on completion here, e.g.). We consider $f$ from $X$ to itself as a map from $X$ to $\hat{X}$, the completion of $X$, in a trivial way and apply the extension property for the domain. So just Lipschitz is enough, as this already implies uniform continuity, but even weaker will do.
All you need is uniform continuity. We have the following:
Lemma: Suppose that $X,Y$ are metric spaces, where $Y$ is complete. Let $A \subset X$. If $f: A \to Y$ is uniformly continuous, then $f$ extends uniquely to a map from $\overline{A} \to Y$.
This lemma implies your statement, because you have that $X$ is a dense subspace of $X_{comp}$, and hence any Lipchitz map $f: X \to X_{comp}$ extends uniquely to a map $X_{comp} \to X_{comp}$.
Proof of Lemma: Let $x \in \overline{A}$. We can find a sequence of points $x_n \in A$ with $x_n \to x$. Fix $\epsilon>0$. By uniform continuity, there exists $\delta>0$ such that $d_X(a,b)<\delta$ implies $d_Y(f(a),f(b))<\epsilon$, for all $a,b \in A$. Choose $N$ such that $m,n \geq N$ implies $d_X(x_n,x_m)< \delta$ (we can do this since convergent sequences are Cauchy). Then $m,n \geq N$ implies $d_Y(f(x_n),f(x_m))<\epsilon$. Hence $(f(x_n))_n$ is a Cauchy sequence in $Y$, so it converges to some value that we will call $f^*(x)$. I will leave it to you to check that $f^*$ is well defined (it doesn't depend on the sequence $(x_n)$ chosen), and that it continuously extends $f$.