Duality of a linear programming problem in matrix form?

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trying to find the duality of the LP problem in matrix/vector form:

min c1Tx1 + c2Tx2
s.t. A1x1 + A2x2 = b
x1>= 0

I get that the duality of like

min cTx
s.t. Ax = b

would be

max bTu
s.t. ATu <= c

but I'm not really sure how the addition of 2 different matrices would affect the constraints or how to visualize this problem? I think the objective would still be max bTu but I am not sure?


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I assume that $x_1$ and $x_2$ are single variables. Then the dual program is

$\texttt{max} \ \ b^Tu$

$A_1^T u\leq c_1$

$A_2^T u=c_2$

The number of variables ($u_i$) depends on the dimension of vector $\mathbf b$.