Ejemplos de la integral de Jackson (Examples of Jackson's Integral)

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Original question in Spanish

La integral de Jackson está definida en el cálculo cuántico, y quisiera que alguien me ayudara a la explicación de un ejemplo de este estilo de integrales. Gracias



The Jackson integral is defined in quantum calculus, and I would like for someone to help me with an explanation of an example of this style of integral. Thanks


There are 1 best solutions below


It appears the responsible thing to do is to recommend the book by KAC and CHEUNG and the papers that Amzoti and I found online, in comments. The book is a reference in all the articles, so I think it's a winner. The article I found is KAC DE SOLE. Meanwhile, it appears the Jackson integral is rather simpler than the later Feynman-Jackson integral. Indeed, the two of them have a million articles together, see ALBERTO DE SOLE