I am trying to show the following: Let u solve the homogeneous heat equation in the cylinder $\Omega$ x $(0, \infty)$ with vanishing dirichlet data and initial condition g. Multiple the PDE by $tu_t$ and apply the energy method to show that $\int_{\Omega}| \nabla u(x,t)|^2dx < \frac{1}{t}\int_{\Omega}|g(x)|^2dx$.
I'm not sure how I apply the energy method once I have multiplied the PDE through by $tu_t$.
One dimensional Heat equation ($\nabla u=u_x$)
$$u_t = \Delta u=cu_{xx}$$
Energy method, define $$E(t)=\int_{\Omega} u^2 dx $$
Due to vanishing dirichlet BC you get $$E'(t)=\int_{\Omega} 2 u u_t dx =\int_{\Omega} 2 u c u_{xx} dx = 2c u u_x\Big|_{\partial\Omega}-2c\int_{\Omega} u_x^2 dx =-2c\int_{\Omega} u_x^2 dx =\quad -2c\int_{\Omega}\|\nabla u\|^2 dx \le0 $$ You have also to explain here why you allowed to differentiate under the integral.
Since $E'\le0$, $E$ is decreasing and, together with
$$E(0)=\int_{\Omega} g^2 dx $$ we got $$E(t)\le \int_{\Omega} g^2 dx, \quad \forall t\ge0$$
So you got $$\int_{\Omega}\|\nabla u\|^2 dx= -\frac{1}{2c}E'(t)=\frac{1}{2c}\left|E'(t)\right|$$
I'm actually fail to see why it should be $< \frac{1}{t}\int_{\Omega}|g(x)|^2dx$