Let's take a look at Young's inequality: If $u,v\geqslant 0$ and $p,q$ - positive real numbers such that $\frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{q}=1$ then $$\dfrac{u^p}{p}+\dfrac{v^q}{q}\geqslant uv.$$ It's easy to check that if $u^p=v^q$ then we get equality.
But how to prove that if $\dfrac{u^p}{p}+\dfrac{v^q}{q}=uv$ then $u^p=v^q$?
Can anyone show to do this?
You can prove it by contradiction. Suppose that $u^p>v^q$.
Let $f(x)=x^{p-1}$. Then $u^p>v^q\Leftrightarrow u^p>v^{p(q-1)}\Leftrightarrow u^{\frac{1}{q-1}}>v \Leftrightarrow u^{p-1}>v \Leftrightarrow f(u)>v$. Let's take a look at rectangle with sides equals to $u$ and $v$. Then using usual geometric proof of Young's inequality we see that $$\dfrac{u^p}{p}+\dfrac{v^q}{q}>uv.$$ Analogous reasoning for $u^p<v^q$.