What is the functorial (categorical) definition of TQFT (Topological Quantum Field Theory), which Jacob Lurie "had extended", for his ETQFT ?
Actually I just need to know what are basic tools, to state properly a categorical definition of a classical TQFT. Thank you very much for your help !
This is just one definition of a TQFT. There are many more, but this is the one I personally have encountered before: Let $\mathbf{Bord}(n+1)$ be the category with objects closed, oriented, smooth $n$-manifolds and for $Y_1, Y_2$ two objects in this category, $Hom(Y_1,Y_2)$ be the set of $(n+1)$ bordism classes between $Y_1$ and $Y_2$. An $(n+1)$-TQFT is a symmetric monoidal functor from $\mathbf{Bord}(n+1)$ to the category $\mathbf{Vec}_{\mathbb{C}}$ of finite dimensional complex vector spaces.
More specifically: an $(n+1)$-TQFT is a pair $F=(V,Z)$ where $V(Y)$ assigns a finite dimensional complex vector space to a closed, oriented, smooth $n$-manifold $Y$ and $Z$ assigns to each $(n+1)$-bordism $X$ between two $Y_-,Y_+\in\mathbf{Bord}(n+1)$ a linear map $Z(X):V(Y_-)\to V(Y_+)$ such that:
$V(Y_1\sqcup Y_2)\cong V(Y_1)\otimes V(Y_2)$ with the following diagrams commuting: $$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} V((Y_1\sqcup Y_2)\sqcup Y_3) @>{\cong}>> (V(Y_1)\otimes V(Y_2))\otimes V(Y_3);\\ @VVV @VVV \\ V(Y_1\sqcup( Y_2\sqcup Y_3)) @>{\cong}>> V(Y_1)\otimes(V(Y_2)\otimes V(Y_3)); \end{CD}$$
$$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} V(\emptyset\sqcup Y) @>{\cong}>> \mathbb{C}\otimes V(Y);\\ @VVV @VVV \\ V(Y) @>{=}>> V(Y); \end{CD}$$
Subject to these axioms, the functor $F=(V,Z)$ can be anything we like; what we take it to be determines the TQFT we are looking at. There is a theorem which says that: $Z(M)$ is a smooth invariant for closed $(n+1)$-manifolds $M$ and $V(Y)$ is a representation of the mapping class group of $Y$. As far as I am aware, given a TQFT $F=(V,Z)$, it is still an open (and very difficult) question to determine exactly how $F$ relates to 'classical' invariants such as, for example, homology groups or homotopy groups.