Find angle between 2 vectors (inner products)

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  1. For complex vector spaces, i.e. vector spaces with scalars from the field $C $of complex numbers, inner products must have slightly different properties.

To see why, consider the following vectors in $C^2$ : $u = (1 + i, 2 − i)$, $ v = (2 − 3i, 4 + i)$ .

(a) Show that the usual dot product for $R^2$ fails to produce a real positive result for $<u, u>$.

(b) For this reason, we define the inner product for $C^ 2$ as $<u, v> = \overline u_1v_1 + \overline u_2v_2$ where $\overline u$ denotes the complex conjugate of u. Show that using this inner product $<u, u>$ is now real and positive. However show that the symmetry axiom $<u, v>$ = $<v, u>$ is now not satisfied. For this reason, the symmetry axiom for complex inner product spaces becomes: $<u, v>$ = complex conjugate of($<v, u>$) which reduces to the usual axiom for real vector spaces.

(c) The angle θ between two vectors u and v is defined by ||u||||v|| cos θ = R(< u, v >), where R(< u, v >) denotes the real part of the inner product. Find the angle between u and v.

I've posted the entire question to give a background of it. Questions (a) and (b) are relatively easy and straightforward but how would one approach question (c)?


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One approaches this problem by doing exactly what it says. Calculate these values: $$\|u\| = \sqrt{\langle u, u \rangle} = \sqrt{\bar u_1 u_1 + \bar u_2 u_2}$$ $$\|v\| = \sqrt{\langle v, v \rangle} = \sqrt{\bar v_1 v_1 + \bar v_2 v_2}$$ $$\langle u, v \rangle = \bar u_1 v_1 + \bar u_2 v_2$$

Next take the real part of the last one and divide it by the other two. That ratio is $\cos \theta$. Take the inverse cosine, and you're done.