I'm seeking a way to find discrete $A$ from $P_k = [CA^kB, CA^kM]$ inside a hankel matrix.
I can show you an example to find $A$ if we only have $CA^kB$ for $i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, \dots, n$
Assume that we have the data points $Y_k = CA^kB$ for $i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, \dots, n$
A = [0 1;
-1 -3];
C = [1 0];
B = [0;
%% CAB
k = 1:50;
Yk = zeros(1, 50);
for i = k
Yk(i) = C*A^i*B;
And our goal is to find discrete $A$ from the data $Y_k$.
Then we can set up the hankel matrices
$$H_j = \begin{bmatrix} Y_1 & Y_2 & Y_3 & Y_3 & \dots & Y_{n/2} \\ Y_2 & Y_3 & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & Y_{n/2+1}\\ Y_3 & Y_4 & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & Y_{n/2+2} \\ Y_4 & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & Y_{n/2+3}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & & \vdots \\ Y_{n/2} & Y_{n/2 +1} & Y_{n/2+2} & Y_{n/2+3} & \dots & Y_{n} \end{bmatrix}$$
%% Hankel matrix
H0 = hank(Yk, 1);
H1 = hank(Yk, 2);
% Create the half square hankel matrix
function [H] = hank(g, k)
% We got markov parameters g = [g0 g1 g2 g2 g3 ... gl]; with size m*m. g0 = D
m = size(g, 1);
n = size(g, 2);
l = length(g)/(m*2);
H = zeros(l*m, l*m);
for i = 1:l
if(and(i == l, k == 2))
% This is a special case when g is out of index, just add zeros instead!
row = g(:, 1 + (k+i-1)*m:(k+i-2)*m + l*m);
H(1 + (i-1)*m:(i-1)*m + m, 1:l*m) = [row zeros(m, m)];
row = g(:, 1 + (k+i-1)*m:(k+i-1)*m + l*m);
H(1 + (i-1)*m:(i-1)*m + m, 1:l*m) = row;
Notice that if we have noise, we can reduce it a little bit.
%% Reduce noise
R0 = H0*H0';
R1 = H1*H0';
Now we using SVD on $R_0$ and cut the matrices with dimension $nx$ with is the same dimension of square matrix $A$.
$$[U, S, V^T] = svd(R_0)$$
% Do SVD on R0
[U,S,V] = svd(R0, 'econ');
%% Cut U, S, V with dimension nx = 2
nx = 2;
Un = U(:, 1:nx);
Sn = S(1:nx, 1:nx);
Vn = V(:, 1:nx);
And now we can find our dicrete matrix $A$
$$A_d = S_n^{-1/2}U_n^TR_1V_nS_n^{-1/2}$$
%% Find A-matrix
Ad = Sn^(-1/2)*Un'*R1*Vn*Sn^(-1/2)
Also we can find $C$ and $B$ as well, by using pseudo inverse
$$P_a = U_nS_n^{1/2}$$ $$X = P_a^{+}H_0$$ $$B_d = X(1:nx, 1:nx)$$ $$C_d = P_a(1:nx, 1:nx)$$
Pa = Un*Sn^(1/2);
X = pinv(Pa)*H0;
Bd = X(1:nx, 1:2:nu);
K = X(1:nx, 2:2:nu);
% From Pa we can find Cd
Cd = Pa(1:nu, 1:nx);
If we have $P_k = [CA^kB, CA^kM]$ instead of $Y_k = CA^kB$. How would we find discrete $A$ from $P_k$?
See equation 29 here and see equation 18 here
Read function [sysd, K] = eradcokid(g, sampleTime, delay, systemorder)
from here. It will exlain that how you can at least find $B_d$ and $C_d$. But not $A_d$.
I solved it!
Have a look at okid.m file here