Given a great circle connecting two points on a sphere, what is the function describing it's Mercator projection? In other words, given two longitudes and latitudes $(\phi_1, \theta_1)$ and $(\phi_2, \theta_2)$, what is the function $\theta(\phi)$ that describes a great circle passing between those points?
Attached is an image of exactly such function, representing flight routes, from the OpenFlights website.
For the sake of simplicity, assume the Earth to be a perfect sphere.
First, any great circle is simply a plane passing through the origin. Second, we transform this to cylindrical coordinates to get the functional form. $$\alpha x + \beta y + \gamma z = 0$$ $$x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1$$ $$\sqrt{1-z^2}(\alpha \cos \phi + \beta \sin \phi) + \gamma z = 0$$ Merge into a single $\sin$ function: $$\alpha \cos \phi + \beta \sin \phi \to \alpha' \sin (\phi + \phi_0)$$ Leading to the general form:
Note that this function converges to a a sign function or zero in the limits $\delta\to 0, \delta\to \infty$ as required. Sample paths are shown below:
Thus to find the path between two arbitrary points $(\phi_1,z_1)$ and $(\phi_2,z_2)$ we can solve for $\delta$ and $\phi_0$, and use the above function for $z$. Extraction of $\delta$ leads to:
$$\delta^2 = \frac{1-z_1^2}{z_1^2}\sin^2 (\phi_1 + \phi_0)$$ $$\frac{z_1}{z_2}\sqrt{\frac{1-z_2^2}{1-z_1^2}}\sin (\phi_2 + \phi_0) = \sin (\phi_1 + \phi_0)$$ Denote: $$c\equiv \frac{z_1}{z_2}\sqrt{\frac{1-z_2^2}{1-z_1^2}}$$ Then:
$$\phi_0 = \arccos\left(\frac{\cos \phi_1 - c \cos \phi_2}{1+c^2-2c\cos(\phi_2 - \phi_1)}\right)$$
The full solution can then be composed from the above.